- Create a game. Games make time pass by easier, and they also make studying a lot more entertaining. Some games that are great for studying are memory, Jeopardy, Bingo, Family Feud, and many more. In order to set these games up, all you have to do is download the game template, and enter the information you would like the game to test you on. Then study away!
- Try creating study groups. Often teaching information to someone else is a very helpful way to study. It also lets you know what information you do not know or that you need to review.
- Try creating graphic organizers. Graphic organizers can serve as a visual aid for some people and for others it helps them to organize the momentous amount of information they have learned over the course of the semester. This method is very useful in subjects such as history or biology, since there are many time periods or bodily processes to know.
- Try creating a Quizlet. Quizlet is great online studying software. This website has games, flashcards, and computer-generated tests. All you have to do is enter in the information you would like it to test you on. Then the software does the rest of the work by generating tests and games. It even gives you a diagnostics telling you what information that you tend to have problems with. This method is great for any course that has a lot of factual information.
- Try studying with music. Music relaxes me, helps to pass time by, and it helps me to focus on the topic; however, be careful with the type of music you study with. For some people it may be a little difficult to study with rock, rap, or some other boisterous music in the background. Try soothing and relaxing music such as jazz, R&B, or something a little slow, but not too fast.
Remember that when you are studying not to over-work
yourself. It’s
not good to study in one setting for hours, so make sure that while
using these different studying methods to take breaks in between to get the
best results. Just simply take coffee breaks, stretch, or run in place. Good luck on those exams!