Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Approaches to Studying for Exams

Studying for exams can be frustrating and it sucks! Most people dread exam time due to the high volume of studying that comes along with it. Studying is usually very boring, but it does not have to be. Exploring new ways of studying can be beneficial to help pass time and make studying easier. Switch up your studying methods by trying the following:
  1. Create a game. Games make time pass by easier, and they also make studying a lot more entertaining. Some games that are great for studying are memory, Jeopardy, Bingo, Family Feud, and many more. In order to set these games up, all you have to do is download the game template, and enter the information you would like the game to test you on. Then study away!
  3. Try creating study groups. Often teaching information to someone else is a very helpful way to study. It also lets you know what information you do not know or that you need to review.

  4. Try creating graphic organizers. Graphic organizers can serve as a visual aid for some people and for others it helps them to organize the momentous amount of information they have learned over the course of the semester. This method is very useful in subjects such as history or biology, since there are many time periods or bodily processes to know.

  5. Try creating a Quizlet. Quizlet is great online studying software. This website has games, flashcards, and computer-generated tests. All you have to do is enter in the information you would like it to test you on. Then the software does the rest of the work by generating tests and games. It even gives you a diagnostics telling you what information that you tend to have problems with. This method is great for any course that has a lot of factual information.
  7. Try studying with music. Music relaxes me, helps to pass time by, and it helps me to focus on the topic; however, be careful with the type of music you study with. For some people it may be a little difficult to study with rock, rap, or some other boisterous music in the background. Try soothing and relaxing music such as jazz, R&B, or something a little slow, but not too fast.
Remember that when you are studying not to over-work yourself. It’s not good to study in one setting for hours, so make sure that while using these different studying methods to take breaks in between to get the best results. Just simply take coffee breaks, stretch, or run in place. Good luck on those exams!

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Politics Doesn't Affect Me."

Photo courtesy of
There have been many crazy things that I have heard in my life. One of the crazier things I have heard is, "Politics don't affect me. That's why I don't vote." Any person who makes this statement is obviously out of touch with society. Just take a look around you:

  • Example 1:The taxes removed from your check do not just magically disappear. There are laws set in place that say how much of one's check will be given to the government.
  • Example 2: Why do you think the minimum wage in South Carolina is $7.25 an hour? Just because companies want to pay their workers this amount? No, it is because politics played a role. The law says that anyone who is working in South Carolina be paid at least $7.25 an hour to help prevent employers from taking advantage of employees, and so that employees can live off of their wages.
  • Example 3: Why do you think poor people are able to visit the doctor anytime? It is because of Medicaid. If a politician had not proposed a bill for medicaid, people who could not afford health insurance would not be able to go to the doctor whenever they needed to.
These are just a few examples of how intertwined our daily lives are with politics, and as a result, all Americans should become informed on the different issues in America, in order to become educated voters. Many people die for the right of freedom of expression; however, it is sad that many Americans do not appreciate the right to be able to take part in our government.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Too Good to be True: Obamacare

So many people were pumped up for Obamacare. Now that they have it, they aren't too thrilled about it. What Obama told the American people about Obamacare was bits and pieces of the new healthcare law, and some parts that he told the American people, were plain lies. I guess sooner rather than later, the American people will learn how much Obama said about Obamacare really is true. After all, if something sounds too good to be true, then maybe it is?

Let's not beat around the bush; Obama lied to the American people when he told them they could keep their insurance plans and doctors. He repeatedly told the American people this lie for years. The name of the Affordable Care Act is irony in itself. The United States cannot support such an extensive form of Medicaid. I think the United States' leaders should rethink Obamacare policies and come up with something more feasible.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hmmm...Shopping on Thanksgiving?

Photo Credit: The
Stores prepare for the flood of consumers to come on Black Friday, the Friday after Thanksgiving. Some stores have decided to give consumers a head-start on their shopping, by opening stores on Thanksgiving Day. This decision has sparked an ongoing debate about whether retailers should open stores on Thanksgiving Day. I do not think stores should be opened on Thanksgiving because it defeats the purpose of the holiday-family time.

Thanksgiving is a day when many Americans slow down their busy lives to fellowship with their family and friends, and to take time to appreciate what they have. Opening stores on this holiday, preaches the opposite message, because people are constantly wanting more and trying to be the first in line to get the latest item. Also opening stores on Thanksgiving Day is at others expense. It is unfair to the employees of retailers because it takes time away from employees' family and friends. After all, it is not like retail stores take holidays often throughout the year.

Thanksgiving should be a day set aside strictly for family, friends, and showing gratitude. Family is the core of any society, and allowing stores to be open takes the focus away from the family. 

Some stores who are opening on Thanksgiving for the first time or at earlier times are:

Toys R Us
J.C. Penny

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Decreasing Your Chances of Getting Sick

When seasons change people are more likely to get sick. I used to brag about how I never got sick because I would take a daily dose of a Vitamin C supplement pill. It had been over a year, since I had last gotten even a sniffle. I had gotten so confident in this pill that I ate after my sick mom. Oh boy, I should not have made that mistake. I regret it. I do not wish sickness on anyone, so I would advise you to take some steps to protect your health during the transitions of the seasons and the flu season.

Step 1: Do not eat after people (especially if they are sick)! Eating after others is the quickest way to spread germs. You would think this would be a no brainer, but not if you are salivating over a thick juicy burger topped with guacamole, nacho cheese Doritos, melted pepper jack cheese, jalapenos, lettuce, tomatoes, and spicy mayo. Trust me, it is as good as it sounds. (Check out this restaurant)

Step 2: If someone is coughing or sneezing around you…run! Just kidding, you do not have to run, but you should not stay too close if you are not trying to get sick. According to CNN, you should keep at least a 10 feet difference between you and a "sickling."

Step 3: Catch some Zzzzzsss! It will be okay if you miss an episode of Pretty Little Liars, Covert Affairs, or Breaking Bad; that is what a DVR and On Demand are for. I am guilty of this, too. I will stay up an extra two hours just to watch my favorite TV show. I know how tempting it is to stay up to watch TV or to just simply “extend” your day, but studies show that lack of sleep increases your chances of getting sick. Carnegie Mellon University’s study says that people who get at least eight hours of sleep are thirty percent less likely to get sick. Your health, by far, is more important than catching an episode of your favorite TV show.

Step 4: Scrub a dub dub! Wash your hands often and disinfect things around your house. Germs are easily spread from surface-to-surface contact. Eighty percent of sickness is caused by touching an infected surface, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). You should disinfect things like counter tops, tabletops, door handles, remote controls, etc.

Do not let the bug ruin your day; if you follow these tips, you will be able to keep those germs at bay!

Other websites that give tips on maintaining a healthy you:

How to Not Get Sick
CDC Says "Take 3" Actions To Fight The Flu