Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hope for America in 2014?

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Obama's State of the Union speech's opening wasn't that encouraging. As of January 27th, 2014, 61.3% of Americans think America is headed in the wrong direction. Obama opened his State of the Union speech by telling stories about how a single person did their part to improve America such as by increasing the graduation rate in their city, creating more jobs, and decreasing America's dependence on foreign oil. While these people may have seen progress, the rest of America has not.

Over the last five years, their has been an expansion of government entitlement programs. According to Forbes, welfare pays more than minimum wage in 35 states. 1 in every 7 Americans  (47 million Americans) are on food stamps. America's unemployment rate is still high at 6.7%, and it doesn't include the many people who have stopped looking for work. If I must give Obama credit for anything, I would tell him congrats because the unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been under his administration.

Despite these staggering statistics, Obama did not give any specific solutions to these problems. The main message of his speech was that he was going to use his power of executive orders more frequently in the upcoming months to accomplish his agenda. Obama's exact words were, "Some [proposals] require Congressional action...But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families that's what I'm going to do." The thought of Obama issuing executive orders as his means of getting his agenda accomplished should make people nervous.

Even with Obama's plan to issue executive orders, I still do not think America will see much improvement in this upcoming year.

Click here to listen to the State of the Union speech and to view the transcript.

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