Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sounds Like They Want to Start a War

Russia sent 16,000 troops into Ukraine, supposedly in response to the former Ukrainian President's, Viktor Yanukovych, plea for Russia to send in troops to prevent a civil war from happening. Other sources say that the real reason for Russia invading Ukraine is to annex Crimea. While Russia still recognizes the former president, Ukraine does not. After their parliament voted Viktor Yanukovych out of office, he was replaced.

I'm not sure why Ukraine has not fought back yet. I'm sure there are a lot of diplomatic reasons for them maintaining their composure, but how much can a person take? If a person was to walk into my house with a gun, I will assume it's a life or death situation, and I will fight with all I have. I would not give the intruder time to scope out my physical weaknesses and see where to attack.

Sounds like a no-brainer? This is exactly what is going on in Ukraine right now. Russia's military has surrounded some of the Ukrainian forces and Crimea. Ukraine is hoping that their long-time ally, the United States, will step in. As of now, it does not look like the United States is going to get involved besides diplomatically. 

View the links below for further information:

Does Russia just what Crimea back, or do they have other intentions?

Another Cold War?

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