Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sounds Like They Want to Start a War

Russia sent 16,000 troops into Ukraine, supposedly in response to the former Ukrainian President's, Viktor Yanukovych, plea for Russia to send in troops to prevent a civil war from happening. Other sources say that the real reason for Russia invading Ukraine is to annex Crimea. While Russia still recognizes the former president, Ukraine does not. After their parliament voted Viktor Yanukovych out of office, he was replaced.

I'm not sure why Ukraine has not fought back yet. I'm sure there are a lot of diplomatic reasons for them maintaining their composure, but how much can a person take? If a person was to walk into my house with a gun, I will assume it's a life or death situation, and I will fight with all I have. I would not give the intruder time to scope out my physical weaknesses and see where to attack.

Sounds like a no-brainer? This is exactly what is going on in Ukraine right now. Russia's military has surrounded some of the Ukrainian forces and Crimea. Ukraine is hoping that their long-time ally, the United States, will step in. As of now, it does not look like the United States is going to get involved besides diplomatically. 

View the links below for further information:

Does Russia just what Crimea back, or do they have other intentions?

Another Cold War?

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Top 3 Mom and Pop Restaurants of Greenville

There is a saying that says people should eat to live and not live to eat. I disagree. You only live once, so you might as well enjoy yourself. My favorite places to dine at are mom and pop restaurants simply because they are one of a kind. You can't go to San Francisco and expect the same mom and pop restaurant that is in Greenville. There are some exceptionally good mom and pop restaurants in Greenville, South Carolina.

1. Milano's Pizzeria & Restaurant

If you want authentic Italian/Greek food, then this is the place to be. Milano's has a large selection of food ranging from pizza, pasta, strombolis, calzones to sandwiches. You can order almost anything off the menu and expect it to be good. The reason I didn't say always is because I'm still trying to conquer everything on their menu. My personal favorite is the House Stromboli. It comes stuffed with pepperoni, Italian sausage, hamburger, mushrooms, green peppers, and onions. In addition to the great food, Milano's has huge portions, often large enough for leftovers. (Click here to see the restaurant's menu).

2. Lieu's Chinese Bistro

Are you one of those picky Chinese food eaters? I know I am, so believe me when I say this Chinese restaurant is At first glance, Lieu's appears to be an expensive Chinese restaurant, but don't let the prices fool you. What you pay for will be well worth it in quality, taste, and portion sizes. One dinner entree can feed two to three people depending on your appetites. The dishes come out in pot-luck style with huge portions of the main dish and rice bowls on the side.

My favorite thing about this restaurant is that everything comes with unlimited rice, and me being a rice lover, it sealed the deal. My favorite dish on the menu is the curry chicken and shrimp. If you want to try an array of dishes, have each member of your party to order something different and have everybody share. (Click here to see the restaurant's menu).

3. Mad Cuban Cafe

Who knew that the Upstate of South Carolina would have good Cuban food? I didn't until I tried Mad Cuban Cafe. I was nervous about trying Cuban food, but after hearing all the rave about this place, I had to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought Cuban food might be similar to Mexican food, but it was totally different. If you try this restaurant out, and want to try something "safe," try the Cuban Going Bananas sandwich. It is sooooo good. It has BBQ, plantains, ham, pickles, and a special sauce. This sandwich is pretty large, so you can even split it between two people. (Click here to see reviews and customers' favorite dishes).
Mad Cuban Cafe
Cuban Going Bananas

Greenville is home to many delicious mom and pop restaurants. These three restaurants were just some of my personal favorites. Every once in a while, I encourage you to try something different other than just the chain restaurants.

Still not convinced about these restaurants' delicious food? Maybe hearing other customer's opinions will convince you:

Milano's Pizzeria & Restaurant
Lieu's Bistro
Mad Cuban Cafe

"Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul."
- Dorothy Day

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hope for America in 2014?

Photo Credit:

Obama's State of the Union speech's opening wasn't that encouraging. As of January 27th, 2014, 61.3% of Americans think America is headed in the wrong direction. Obama opened his State of the Union speech by telling stories about how a single person did their part to improve America such as by increasing the graduation rate in their city, creating more jobs, and decreasing America's dependence on foreign oil. While these people may have seen progress, the rest of America has not.

Over the last five years, their has been an expansion of government entitlement programs. According to Forbes, welfare pays more than minimum wage in 35 states. 1 in every 7 Americans  (47 million Americans) are on food stamps. America's unemployment rate is still high at 6.7%, and it doesn't include the many people who have stopped looking for work. If I must give Obama credit for anything, I would tell him congrats because the unemployment rate is the lowest it has ever been under his administration.

Despite these staggering statistics, Obama did not give any specific solutions to these problems. The main message of his speech was that he was going to use his power of executive orders more frequently in the upcoming months to accomplish his agenda. Obama's exact words were, "Some [proposals] require Congressional action...But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families that's what I'm going to do." The thought of Obama issuing executive orders as his means of getting his agenda accomplished should make people nervous.

Even with Obama's plan to issue executive orders, I still do not think America will see much improvement in this upcoming year.

Click here to listen to the State of the Union speech and to view the transcript.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Stress Monster

Life can get hectic sometimes. Even more hectic if your are a college student. During college, it is important to learn how to effectively deal with stress because most people will become stressed at least once in their college career. There are many different ways to handle stress.

1. Run off some steam.
While sorting through the mounds of college work, exercise is sometimes the last thought on people's minds. Studies show that being stressed can lead to being forgetful. Exercise decreases that risk by helping to reduce your stress levels. Look at exercise in a new light; think of it as a way to relax and to improve your memorization skills, while also improving your self-image and health. While exercising for an hour is great, an hour of exercise is not practical with everyone's schedule. Try just exercising for 30 minutes to wind down after your classes for the day or before you go to bed.

2. Eat regularly throughout the day.
When you are stressed out, many people forget to eat or either they are so busy that they do not have time to eat a balanced meal. The worst thing to do under stress is not to eat. Although you shouldn't skip meals while stressed, you shouldn't just stick anything into your mouth. Foods high in fat and sugar can cause you to become tired. Research shows that certain foods such as oatmeal, whole-grain food, oranges, salad, fish, nuts, and others help to reduce or prevent stress. If having time to eat is a problem for you, try eating whole-grain granola bars on the go, using quick-oatmeal packets, or planning out your meals ahead of time.

3. Get a good-night's rest.
When you get a good-night's rest you wake up feeling good in the morning and ready-to go. Does this not sound like how your mornings go? If not, it's probably because you aren't getting enough sleep or aren't sleeping well.

To help improve your sleep, get into a bedtime routine. In addition, a regular sleeping pattern helps to improve grades. Obviously having a regular sleeping pattern can be difficult while balancing college, but try to go to bed around the same time every night. It is better to go to sleep at a decent time, than to pull an all-nighter. Remember that you could always go to sleep, and then wake-up early to get things accomplished.

4. Have some fun!
One of the best ways, in my opinion, to reduce stress is to simply relax, laugh and have fun. Set aside an hour or two of your week to do something you enjoy or hang out with friends.

If you follow these tips, you will see a difference in your stress levels.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

New Approaches to Studying for Exams

Studying for exams can be frustrating and it sucks! Most people dread exam time due to the high volume of studying that comes along with it. Studying is usually very boring, but it does not have to be. Exploring new ways of studying can be beneficial to help pass time and make studying easier. Switch up your studying methods by trying the following:
  1. Create a game. Games make time pass by easier, and they also make studying a lot more entertaining. Some games that are great for studying are memory, Jeopardy, Bingo, Family Feud, and many more. In order to set these games up, all you have to do is download the game template, and enter the information you would like the game to test you on. Then study away!
  3. Try creating study groups. Often teaching information to someone else is a very helpful way to study. It also lets you know what information you do not know or that you need to review.

  4. Try creating graphic organizers. Graphic organizers can serve as a visual aid for some people and for others it helps them to organize the momentous amount of information they have learned over the course of the semester. This method is very useful in subjects such as history or biology, since there are many time periods or bodily processes to know.

  5. Try creating a Quizlet. Quizlet is great online studying software. This website has games, flashcards, and computer-generated tests. All you have to do is enter in the information you would like it to test you on. Then the software does the rest of the work by generating tests and games. It even gives you a diagnostics telling you what information that you tend to have problems with. This method is great for any course that has a lot of factual information.
  7. Try studying with music. Music relaxes me, helps to pass time by, and it helps me to focus on the topic; however, be careful with the type of music you study with. For some people it may be a little difficult to study with rock, rap, or some other boisterous music in the background. Try soothing and relaxing music such as jazz, R&B, or something a little slow, but not too fast.
Remember that when you are studying not to over-work yourself. It’s not good to study in one setting for hours, so make sure that while using these different studying methods to take breaks in between to get the best results. Just simply take coffee breaks, stretch, or run in place. Good luck on those exams!

Monday, December 2, 2013

"Politics Doesn't Affect Me."

Photo courtesy of
There have been many crazy things that I have heard in my life. One of the crazier things I have heard is, "Politics don't affect me. That's why I don't vote." Any person who makes this statement is obviously out of touch with society. Just take a look around you:

  • Example 1:The taxes removed from your check do not just magically disappear. There are laws set in place that say how much of one's check will be given to the government.
  • Example 2: Why do you think the minimum wage in South Carolina is $7.25 an hour? Just because companies want to pay their workers this amount? No, it is because politics played a role. The law says that anyone who is working in South Carolina be paid at least $7.25 an hour to help prevent employers from taking advantage of employees, and so that employees can live off of their wages.
  • Example 3: Why do you think poor people are able to visit the doctor anytime? It is because of Medicaid. If a politician had not proposed a bill for medicaid, people who could not afford health insurance would not be able to go to the doctor whenever they needed to.
These are just a few examples of how intertwined our daily lives are with politics, and as a result, all Americans should become informed on the different issues in America, in order to become educated voters. Many people die for the right of freedom of expression; however, it is sad that many Americans do not appreciate the right to be able to take part in our government.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Too Good to be True: Obamacare

So many people were pumped up for Obamacare. Now that they have it, they aren't too thrilled about it. What Obama told the American people about Obamacare was bits and pieces of the new healthcare law, and some parts that he told the American people, were plain lies. I guess sooner rather than later, the American people will learn how much Obama said about Obamacare really is true. After all, if something sounds too good to be true, then maybe it is?

Let's not beat around the bush; Obama lied to the American people when he told them they could keep their insurance plans and doctors. He repeatedly told the American people this lie for years. The name of the Affordable Care Act is irony in itself. The United States cannot support such an extensive form of Medicaid. I think the United States' leaders should rethink Obamacare policies and come up with something more feasible.